With the increased popularity of miniaturized electronics and circuitry, conformal coating use has skyrocketed to solidify its relevance in a wealth of modern PCB related applications . Choosing the ideal type of coating and application methods for your electronics is crucial.
Conformal coating is a specialty polymeric film forming product that protects circuit boards, components, and other electronic devices from adverse environmental conditions. These coatings conform to the irregular landscape of the PCB providing increased dielectric resistance, operational integrity and protection from corrosive atmospheres, humidity, heat, fungus, and airborne contamination such as dirt and dust.
Conformal coating is used to protect electronic circuit and its components from the environment and corrosion. Coatings can be applied in a number of ways, including brushing, spraying, dispensing and dip coating.
Pcbamake is able to make conformal coating according to customers' requirement including thickness, area, material and so on.