How to select an appropriate PCBA manufacturer?

From most question asked by our customers, today we're going to talk about how to select an appropriate PCBA manufacturer!  

It’s kinda a golden question, especially for some new designers or purchasers who struggle with it a lot! There's a lot of different things to think about base on their projects, deadline, budget, etc.

PCBA manufacturer

Let’s check how many things you have to consider when selecting a PCBA manufacturer!

Price - oriented

Firstly, some clients just focus on price, they are price oriented and more likely to choose any PCBA manufacturer offers lowest price.

This is a general strategy, but the premise is that they just build some really simple pcb, like single side PCB with regular specification, normal size, common material...

They usually not worry about the lead time and any specific industry standards. These kinds of projects can be fabricated by any random PCBA manufacturers. 

Quality - oriented

Quality Certification

Secondly, the more important strategy is quality-oriented. Like, for some projects, it requires pretty fine abilities, like HDI, Impedance control, multi-layer PCB, BGA board, specific stack up PCB etc.

When it comes to high precision projects, you should consider the capability, IPC standard, quality management system, certification, sales service of the manufacturer more than its price.

Time - oriented

Thirdly, the lead time can be the only driver for customers in some cases! For example, some projects might need to meet very tight deadlines, like a new sample before exhibition! A large bulk to catch up a special festival, etc.

Then it’ll require manufacturer to be very flexible in lead time and production schedule. 

It better offer custom quote, like, have differently times for different projects.

In PCBAMake, we can give a custom solution for the rush order, we’ll revise production plan and have people working overtime to meet your schedule.


Finally, there are some other factors need to consider, like NDA, ROHS, REACH or other certification needed to apply a sales license in your market.These also need to be clear before the inquiry.

Above are factors you need to consider, in a word, it bases on your demand when choosing a PCBA manufacturer.Any question please leave a comment!